Saturday, May 16, 2020

Schizoid Personality Disorder Essays - 1115 Words

At one point in our lives or another, we have all been to school, we have all been into the lunchroom, and we have all seen those few children that sit by themselves and don’t say anything, don’t look around, and don’t seem even the least bit interested. The greater parts of society looks at these odd children and then brushes them off and say to themselves â€Å"Oh they are just weird, I wouldn’t want to be their friend either.† But have you ever stopped and thought maybe its something deeper? Maybe these kids have a mental disorder that causes them to be that way. Maybe, just maybe, its not even their own choice but its forced upon them by abusive and neglectful parents that obliterate their children’s trust so far that they cant even†¦show more content†¦Some of the chemicals may be low, or too high, causing a person to not be able to process decisions and emotions correctly (‘Schizoid Personality† 1). Another possibi lity is stress, emotional stress to be exact. This stress can originate from untimely deaths, financial stress, or traumatic situations (â€Å"Schizoid Personality† 1). The final and my personal belief of the cause are the parents and family of the effected. If the effected person grows up in a family of emotionally detached individuals, parents that abuse them, or parents that neglect them fully, they are at a dramatically increased risk of developing Schizoid personality disorder. Children that grow up with schizoid personality disorder do not form deep relationships with anyone and usually do not seek help do to the fact that they feel misunderstood. If we do not seek relationships to build as young adults, marriage will not be coming anytime. As their lives progress, Schizoids show â€Å"a poorly balanced sexual instinct [and] strikingly fruitless love affairs† (Akhtar 500). Without a regular sexual instinct, marriage is a seemingly impossible task. If they are e ver capable of opening up and marrying someone, they are prone to neglect the relationship with their spouse and do not show any type of interest inShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Schizoid Personality Disorder?749 Words   |  3 Pages Schizoid Personality Disorder Hunter Boumans Central Louisiana Technical Community College †¢ DEFINITION- Aka SPD, is a â€Å"Cluster A† disorder characterized by a lack of interest in relationships, a tendency towards a solitary or sheltered lifestyle, emotional coldness, and apathy. These people may seem distant, detached, and indifferent in their interactions. Schizoid personality disorder is NOT the same as schizophrenia despite their names being similar, however some of the behavioral symptomsRead MoreCharacteristics And Qualities Of Schizoid Personality Disorder1280 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world today living with psychological disorders that may not be apparent to the naked eye. 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